Brownstown Community Centre
Posted April 18, 2016.

LOCATION: Brownstown Park, Portadown, Craigavon
CLIENT: Craigavon District Council
MAIN CONTRACTOR: Mc Aleer and Teague
The existing Brownstown Centre accommodation comprised a Main Hall, entrance foyer, kitchen, office & ancillary spaces with a two team changing pavilion adjacent incorporating garages, toilets & stores.
Demolitions removed everything leaving only the Main Hall & rear stores.
The Main Hall & stores received various alterations including replacement of win-dows, ceilings, doors & a total internal & external finishes refurb. All existing M&E services were replaced with new.
The new build works provided a new 2 storey extension comprising: 2 storey en-trance hall, draught lobby, ground floor multi-purpose studio, staff office, toilets, kitchen & 4 no. changing rooms with referee & disabled access changing facilities, first floor meeting rooms, mezzanine & dance studio, new car park & lighting. refur-bished road access & the extension of the existing car park facility.
The Electrical Services Installation was a refurbishment of the existing main hall and a new build extension to the front and rear of the centre.